You Are God’s Trophy!


Week 1 – Day 6

Dear Friend,

Long ago, I read Psalm 92:12-15 and latched onto the revelation of verse 15 in the AMPC. We are God’s trophies! We are actually His “living memorials” that show His faithfulness and that His promises actually come to pass. One version even says, “He can be depended upon!”

So often we think that the people around us with tremendous testimonies have such amazing faith. In reality, they are simply living memorials whose lives proclaim, “God is good!!! He can be depended upon! This Eternal Life stuff works!! The Word of God comes to pass!” Instead of looking at your circumstances as a failure in faith on your part recognize that you are simply in the transitional growth period. You are in the moment where you apply the Word to your situation and hold to the revelation that He has given you… that this REALLY WORKS!

How? How can I be sure I am not somehow messing this up?

It can be so hard when you want to be in control of your victory, to orchestrate it. Yet if we could orchestrate it, we would also be tempted to take the glory for it. You have the victory in Him and Psalm 92:12-14 holds clues to walking this out so you see it manifest in your life.

Psalm 92:12-15 (AMPC)

12 The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].

  • This is talking about you! You are the righteous one. Christ’s death and resurrection made you righteous when you received Him as your Savior. Start seeing yourself as RIGHTEOUS, in right standing with God. Reject any lie that tells you that God is unhappy with you or that you are doing something wrong that makes you ineligible for God’s power to work on your behalf. You and God are good-to-go, He is on your side, no separation, He actually lives on the inside of you!
  • As a “right one” (one in right standing with God) you have a promise that you will have a long life, be upright, useful and fruitful. Your life will have so much to show for it and your walk with Him will cause you to be stable, durable and incorruptible. I love that term “incorruptible”!

13 Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God.

  • Stay hooked up in God’s presence. Do not limit this scripture to just attending church! Be in God’s presence!
  • Remember, you are righteous! Come to Him from that place of right standing, as one who belongs in His presence.
  • Live a life with a constant connection to Him. Talk with Him, worship Him, love on Him… truly hang out in the throne room of God. He promises that you will grow and develop in a healthy way (flourish), if you do.

14 [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment].

  • After you recognize that you are righteous (in right standing with God), that His promises are meant for YOU, and you have found a place in His presence as His, Beloved Son tap into the power of GRACE.
  • There are sweet promises in verse 14 for the son, who grows in the power of grace. It even guarantees that you will still be productive in your seasoned years!

Do you recognize that person who is “rich in trust, love and contentment” in their seasoned years? It sounds to me like the “living memorial”, the trophy that you will be! Just like those you have been listening to and studying with, you will be the next generation to talk of God’s faithfulness. You will tell the stories of what you have been delivered from and you will be the one who remembers God’s unwavering dependability, encouraging others to hold on and trust that this REALLY WORKS!!!



So often when we are in the midst of the battle we forget all the times God has already worked in our lives. Everyone, even the newest Christian, has memories of God’s love and faithfulness impacting them. Go through your memory, journal the fondness of God for you. Then grab worship music and let it wash over you as you remember His goodness to you.

See you are already a “living memorial”. Your story isn’t even close to being completed. You are already living out the next chapter of your freedom.