Live the Relationship, Not the Holiday.


As Easter 2017 comes to a close and the house is quiet around me, I find myself at a familiar place. The time stamp on my computer reads 11:59 and there is a new day only a minute away. I have scrolled through countless social media posts enjoying the break from political posts and inspirational memes. Instead faces have appeared. Families. Friends. Memories in the making.

This is value. People. On holidays, scattered far and wide people share moments of their lives rather than simply filler of their minds. I love these days. Interestingly enough, I didn’t take a single picture. Yet, I shared a beautiful sunrise with our son and daughter during a early morning Easter service. We snuck across town and missed the crowds at a local diner before the other churches came out of mass. We then went home and I went back to bed for most of the day, to heal and rest.

It has been a different kind of Easter, but no less special or lacking in the realization that God is awesome and worth praise. My son in NYC mentioned to me, “Easter isn’t much different than any of our other Sundays. It’s about an ongoing relationship.”

I loved that thought.

If the only time my children and I ever spent time together was a specific holiday, it would be awkward, distant. Yet because we talk all the time and whenever one of us calls the other, we hear the excitement of the other as the call is answered. Time together is sweet no matter the day.

Time to remember to make the connections, both with God and loved ones on an ongoing basis. Make the memories. Live in His presence. Live the relationship, not the holiday.

Love you all.